What is a home? Is it a small cottage in the mountain, a luxurious mansion, or an ultramodern apartment in the city...
Why spend hundreds of dollars of your hard earned money on dried fruits and veggies from the store, when you can make...
Are you currently searching for the perfect log cabin to escape the winter blues? Or has your current log cabin setup lost its charm?...
Have you ever wondered what it is like to live alone in the wild, and become one with Nature? It must be...
Tea lovers across the world understand the blissful effect that tea has on the human organism. Tea is highly recommended by numerous...
Today, the modern era offers constant advancements in technology and new inventions that have provided comfort and conveniences for the people. However,...
This is the amazing hobbit-style house an eco-friendly farmer built from scratch for just $185. Michael Buck created the “cob” home at...
When a processor told a 9th-generation dairy farmer to dump his milk during lockdown, he worked around the clock to bottle it...
For almost a decade, a Canadian couple with two daughters living in a self-built clay house has not paid any bills and...
Most of the girls and women have a lot of problems with hair but with this simple trick you’ll get a nice,...